Hi, I'm SHI-HUI 👋
UI设计师 5年工作经验。 态度决定一切,踏实专注精进!



  • 专注于UI设计行业
  • 涉及视觉设计、积累大量APP、网页、数据可视化、运营活动页等设计经验
  • 擅长高效协同完成项目任务并对结果负责


  • 涉足多个行业,包括互联网培训、K12教育、商城、酒店、知识共享等
  • 注重设计对于商业价值的贡献


  • APP界面设计
  • 小程序设计
  • 后台系统设计
  • 数据可视化系统设计
  • 运营活动页设计
  • UI界面设计
  • 图标设计
  • logo设计
  • PPT排版
  • 基础后期修图


  • 性格稳重、真诚、善良
  • 工作态度认真负责
  • 积极主动,能吃苦耐劳
  • 勇于承担
  • 具有较强的抗压能力和纪律性
  • 适应性强,善于学习


  • 注重自我提升和行业发展
  • 愿意不断学习和探索设计领域

Work Experience


Atomic Finance

May 2021 - Oct 2022
Bitcoin Protocol Engineer
Implemented the Bitcoin discreet log contract (DLC) protocol specifications as an open source Typescript SDK. Dockerized all microservices and setup production kubernetes cluster. Architected a data lake using AWS S3 and Athena for historical backtesting of bitcoin trading strategies. Built a mobile app using react native and typescript.


January 2021 - April 2021
Software Engineer
Implemented a custom Kubernetes controller in Go to automate the deployment of MySQL and ProxySQL custom resources in order to enable 2,000+ internal developers to instantly deploy their app databases to production. Wrote several scripts in Go to automate MySQL database failovers while maintaining master-slave replication topologies and keeping Zookeeper nodes consistent with changes.


January 2020 - April 2020
Software Engineer
Architected and wrote the entire MVP of the GeForce Now Cloud Gaming internal admin and A/B testing dashboard using React, Redux, TypeScript, and Python.


January 2019 - April 2019
Software Engineer
Co-developed a prototype iOS app with another intern in Swift for the new Splunk Phantom security orchestration product (later publicly demoed and launched at .conf annual conference in Las Vegas). Implemented a realtime service for the iOS app in Django (Python) and C++; serialized data using protobufs transmitted over gRPC resulting in an approximate 500% increase in data throughput.


January 2018 - April 2018
Software Engineer
Proposed and implemented an internal ruby API for sending/receiving commands to scooters over LTE networks. Developed a fully automated bike firmware update system to handle asynchronous firmware updates of over 100,000+ scooters worldwide, and provide progress reports in real-time using React, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL and AWS EC2 saving hundreds of developer hours.

Mitre Media

May 2017 - August 2017
Software Engineer
Designed and implemented a robust password encryption and browser cookie storage system in Ruby on Rails. Leveraged the Yahoo finance API to develop the dividend.com equity screener


My Projects

Check out my latest work

I've worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. Here are a few of my favorites.

Chat Collect

With the release of the OpenAI GPT Store, I decided to build a SaaS which allows users to collect email addresses from their GPT users. This is a great way to build an audience and monetize your GPT API usage.

Shadcn UI
Magic UI

Magic UI

Designed, developed and sold animated UI components for developers.

Shadcn UI
Magic UI


Developed an open-source logging and analytics platform for OpenAI: Log your ChatGPT API requests, analyze costs, and improve your prompts.

Shadcn UI
Magic UI
Cloudflare Workers

Automatic Chat

Developed an AI Customer Support Chatbot which automatically responds to customer support tickets using the latest GPT models.

Shadcn UI
Magic UI
Cloudflare Workers

I like building things

During my time in university, I attended 21+ hackathons. People from around the country would come together and build incredible things in 2-3 days. It was eye-opening to see the endless possibilities brought to life by a group of motivated and passionate individuals.

  • H

    Hack Western 5

    London, Ontario

    Developed a mobile application which delivered bedtime stories to children using augmented reality.
  • H

    Hack The North

    Waterloo, Ontario

    Developed a mobile application which delivers university campus wide events in real time to all students.
  • F

    FirstNet Public Safety Hackathon

    San Francisco, California

    Developed a mobile application which communcicates a victims medical data from inside an ambulance to doctors at hospital.
  • D

    DeveloperWeek Hackathon

    San Francisco, California

    Developed a web application which aggregates social media data regarding cryptocurrencies and predicts future prices.
  • H


    Davis, California

    Developed a mobile application which allocates a daily carbon emission allowance to users to move towards a sustainable environment.
  • E

    ETH Waterloo

    Waterloo, Ontario

    Developed a blockchain application for doctors and pharmacists to perform trustless transactions and prevent overdosage in patients.
  • H

    Hack The North

    Waterloo, Ontario

    Developed a virtual reality application allowing users to see themselves in third person.
  • H

    Hack The 6ix

    Toronto, Ontario

    Developed an open platform for people shipping items to same place to combine shipping costs and save money.
  • S

    Stupid Hack Toronto

    Toronto, Ontario

    Developed a chrome extension which tracks which facebook profiles you have visited and immediately texts your girlfriend if you visited another girls page.
  • G

    Global AI Hackathon - Toronto

    Toronto, Ontario

    Developed a python library which can be imported to any python game and change difficulty of the game based on real time emotion of player. Uses OpenCV and webcam for facial recognition, and a custom Machine Learning Model trained on a [Kaggle Emotion Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/c/challenges-in-representation-learning-facial-expression-recognition-challenge/leaderboard) using [Tensorflow](https://www.tensorflow.org/Tensorflow) and [Keras](https://keras.io/). This project recieved 1st place prize at the Global AI Hackathon - Toronto and was also invited to demo at [NextAI Canada](https://www.nextcanada.com/next-ai).
  • M

    McGill AI for Social Innovation Hackathon

    Montreal, Quebec

    Developed realtime facial microexpression analyzer using AI
  • O

    Open Source Circular Economy Days Hackathon

    Toronto, Ontario

    Developed a custom admin interface for food waste startup <a href='http://genecis.co/'>Genecis</a> to manage their data and provide analytics.
  • M

    Make School's Student App Competition 2017


    Improved PocketDoc and submitted to online competition
  • H


    Toronto, Ontario

    Developed neural network to optimize a mining process
  • W

    Waterloo Equithon

    Waterloo, Ontario

    Developed Pocketdoc, an app in which you take a picture of a physical wound, and the app returns common solutions or cures to the injuries or diseases.
  • S

    SpaceApps Waterloo

    Waterloo, Ontario

    Developed Earthwatch, a web application which allows users in a plane to virtually see important points of interest about the world below them. They can even choose to fly away from their route and then fly back if they choose. Special thanks to CesiumJS for providing open source world and plane models.
  • M

    MHacks 9

    Ann Arbor, Michigan

    Developed Super Graphic Air Traffic, a VR website made to introduce people to the world of air traffic controlling. This project was built completely using THREE.js as well as a node backend server.
  • S

    StartHacks I

    Waterloo, Ontario

    Developed at StartHacks 2017, Recipic is a mobile app which allows you to take pictures of ingredients around your house, and it will recognize those ingredients using ClarifAI image recognition API and return possible recipes to make. Recipic recieved 1st place at the hackathon for best pitch and hack.
  • Q

    QHacks II

    Kingston, Ontario

    Developed a mobile game which enables city-wide manhunt with random lobbies
  • T

    Terrible Hacks V

    Waterloo, Ontario

    Developed a mock of Windows 11 with interesting notifications and functionality
  • P

    Portal Hackathon

    Kingston, Ontario

    Developed an internal widget for uploading assignments using Waterloo's portal app

Get in Touch

Want to chat? Just shoot me a dm with a direct question on twitter and I'll respond whenever I can. I will ignore all soliciting.